Here are some notes Dorothy sent along:
Facebook Security
What does Security mean to you? Continue reading
Here are some notes Dorothy sent along:
Facebook Security
What does Security mean to you? Continue reading
Backing up your computer/phone/tablet will allow you to get access to its data if it is stolen, but it doesn’t help recover the PC. How-to-Geek has a good article about what you can and cannot do to track your equipment. This was the topic of today’s Android smartphone/tablet SIG.
Behind the wheel of her computer, Mary clicks the paperclip icon to attach a photo of her daughter Janet to her email. If this was a car, she would have no trouble. The gas pedal would be under her right foot, where it has been for 60 years, and the last time she had to learn over how to drive was 30 years ago, when she switched to an automatic transmission, and when they put in that new roundabout near the supermarket.
But this is a computer, where the controls are replaced or moved every 3 years and little stays the same. She would like to give it up, but her daughter and the post-office won’t let her. Continue reading
Our Christmas party will be the Clubhouse Gathering on Thursday afternoon December 17th, 1:30pm to 5pm. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, for a change!!
Please bring an appetizer or a desert to share.
See you there
Exec meeting Minutes Nov 16
Posted on 2015/11/16 by George Bowden
CaptureA. Call to Order 7:15 pm Monday, Nov 16
Present: George Bowden, president; Martin Brooks, treasurer-secretary; Dorothy Cushway, clubhouse; Barkley Cox, Vice President, Iain Fletcher Membership, Sharon Duncan
Agenda: Additions – none
B. Last month’s minutes: available online
C. Old Business
1) Bought the screen for monthly presentations
2) Signage: TV in the window working, Letters need to go up. Parking sign needs replacing with Dorothy’s
4) No publicity director: but Dorothy renewed the ads in Used Victoria, Craigslist. Speakers – 83 Browsed, 2038 to date Teaching – 420 Browsed, 11,604 to date Membership – 206 Browsed, 12,031 to date
5) Membership online forms and processing: George, Faith, Joan and Cody can create members. MICs can renew members. Anybody who is logged in can see
D. Directors reports
D1. President – New Raspberry Pi meetup group started. Need leader for iMobile group.
D2. Vice President – Screen bought. Meeting at Legion.
D3. Treasurer/Secretary – Monthly report. As of Oct 31 Bank balance was $9,734.77 . Try to include Apple groups, brochures, business cards
D4. Membership: 158 adults 15 associates and one student.
D5. Clubhouse: At Martins discretion, go ahead with two more wide tables. Dorothy needs some cleaning help every two months for a couple hours to wipe surfaces. Joan is supplying pop. Motion for $150 to clean carpets approved. Carpet for back door.
E. New Business
A. Courseware. New Raspberry, Facebook SIG running well. SIG starts Dec 16th.
B. Christmas Gathering Thursday Dec 17th 1:30-4pm, bring an appetizer or dessert, at the clubhouse, tables to the side, no tickets, keep it simple. Club provides punch, tea & coffee. Budget of $50. Sharon to identify help she needs. George will help move tables.
C. Promotion: $30 approved for printing 400 business cards.
D. Windows 10 upgrade committee consisting of George, John C, Gord, Ron Kehn approved.
E. Speakers needed. .
F. need VP, Publicity and Training directors. Ask members to forward Gloria’s email to their friends.
G. Dorothy will use clubhouse for non-members at $5 per person for Facebook training.
Would you like movies, music, magazines and audio books at no cost?
On Thursday, November 19th at 2 pm Scott Munro from the Greater Victoria Public Library will explain how to use Hoopla and Zineo, the library’s new online loan services.
Where: Britannia Legion, 780 Summit Ave. at the top of Canadian Tire store.
Register for the pre-meeting lunch (1 pm) consisting of choice of two soups, salad and sandwiches for $12 by replying to this email. The Legion has improved the lunch with a better salad, and whole wheat bread for the sandwiches, plus a choice of two soups; a chowder and a turkey vegetable soup.
We do have to know how many want lunch so for the lunch please register by replying to
Ottawa, Ontario, June 10, 2015… The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is noting an increase in telephone scams where the caller claims to be from the CRA but is not, and is asking Canadians to beware—these calls are fraudulent and could result in identity and financial theft. Continue reading
Scribus is an open source, free desktop publishing program. Like many other computer programs, it has templates from which you can make your own documents more easily than from scratch.
Scribus has about 40 templates built in, categorized under Brochures, Business Cards, Cards, Newsletters, Packaging, PDF Presentations, and Posters. Many more templates are available at ScribusStuff . A tutorial on templates also exists. Continue reading
Microsoft is revamping how it checks if Windows is genuine. Here’s how these changes could make your life easier when setting up Windows 10.
Seniors SIG is cancelled Thanksgiving Monday, October 12th only, and it will resume Monday, October 19th, 10am-12pm.