Monthly Archives: November 2015

It’s enough to make you quit computers

Behind the wheel of her computer, Mary clicks the paperclip icon to attach a photo of her daughter Janet to her email. If this was a car, she would have no trouble. The gas pedal would be under her right foot, … Continue reading

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Christmas Clubhouse Gathering Thursday afternoon December 17th

Our Christmas party will be the Clubhouse Gathering on Thursday afternoon December 17th, 1:30pm to 5pm. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, for a change!! Please bring an appetizer or a desert to share. See you there

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Exec meeting minutes for November 16

Exec meeting Minutes Nov 16 Posted on 2015/11/16 by George Bowden CaptureA. Call to Order 7:15 pm Monday, Nov 16 Present: George Bowden, president; Martin Brooks, treasurer-secretary; Dorothy Cushway, clubhouse; Barkley Cox, Vice President,  Iain Fletcher Membership, Sharon Duncan Agenda: Additions – none … Continue reading

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Monthly presentation: Movies, music, magazines etc. for FREE!!

Would you like movies, music, magazines and audio books at no cost? On Thursday, November 19th at 2 pm Scott Munro from the Greater Victoria Public Library will explain how to use Hoopla and Zineo, the library’s new online loan … Continue reading

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