2024 Annual General Meeting

The Victoria Computer Club Annual General Meeting was held April 15, 2024 at 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Silver Threads, 286 Hampton Rd., Saanich, BC V8Z 1H1

The following Directors were re-elected to the Executive:President: Dorothy Cushway, Vice-president: George Bowden, Treasurer: Ed Prior, Secretary: Anita Fownes, Membership Director: Michael Swift , Member-at-large: Murray Strome

A vote to continue annual dues of $25 was passed
A vote on honorariums for volunteers was passed

Presentation after AGM business:
Preserving Digital Photos. Digital photos ought to last forever. Digital photos don’t fade with time and can protect against natural disasters like fire and floods. That’s the theory, anyway. And yet, if you’re one of the millions of people with a digital camera, the chances of your great-grandchildren ever seeing your digital photos are very slim. Find out why the odds are stacked against you and what you can do to increase the chances that your family historian 200 years from now will be able to enjoy the photos you’re taking now.
Mark Schulman, Central Florida Computer Society

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Monday Security Class

Here is the presentation on using Zoom, from April 22 and

here is the presentation on Dont Get Scammed in May from April 29th and for May 5th.

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Once per month tutorial

The first sentence on the signup page for one-on-one help says

“To reserve a time for one-on-one help, before 6pm Thursday, choose one empty timeslot Friday (only one per month).

We have had good compliance with the ease of self-booking and self-restraint.  “Once per month” is not a new rule. It was put in place to ensure one person does not monopolize a teaching resource.   We have allowed an additonal signing up late on a Thursday afternoon if there is a teacher available next day, rather than let an empty timeslot go unused.  But booking more than one session weeks ahead is not allowed without an explanation visible in the description.  Allowable excuses are preparing for an extensive trip, or a security breach reported to the police.

Anyone clicking on the signup page to book time can see the names of those ignoring the once-per-month rule.   Would drivers speed if their car displayed their name as they sped by?

The club reserves the right to remove bookings of more than once a month.

Overwriting other member’s bookings is shown in past database backups.

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Beginning Your Digital World March 2024

Here are the slides for Dorothy & George’s class, “Beginning Your Digital World

In 2024 we will cover Beginning Computers and Phones, covering more than just Windows.

Here are the slides on putting Zoom on your Android device, though George recommends using a computer instead:


And here are the slides for the rest of course, starting with Windows 11 (with lots of tips for Windows 10 too):


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Happy 2024

Fireworks Wikipedia

Fireworks Wikipedia

HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2024.. or 2^10+10^3, for any math nerds out there. Don’t put that date on your cheques!!. Any wanna-be instructors lurking out there are welcome to put a short lesson together for Monday’s classes. Or maybe reply with a list of typical problems that others might also have with devices or apps. Otherwise we will be showing some tech tip videos, and pausing frequently for questions and answers.

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Iot, friend or foe

The Internet of Things (IoT) and digital assistants can help seniors in many ways

  • Timely reminder to take medications
  • Time to wake for an early morning appointment
  • A ten minute timer for something cooking
  • What wear for the day’s weather
  • A companion that never complains when you ask the same question 10 times in a day.

Here are the slides for the Monday, Sept 18th presentation

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Lessons Learned in Hybrid AGM Demo

Our demo on Aug. 29th of a meeting with both Zoom and in-person attendees (hybrid) for a ballroom turned out to be more of a learning experiernce than a clean demo.   We will try again September 25th.

Lessons I learned included:

1) It takes a small team to run a hybrid meeting, which I should have arranged.

  • Our camera operator, who learned of his role when he walked into the room,  needed training.
  • The presenter cannot be the Zoom operator at the same time.  I could not reliably switch to the speaker mic and be part of the discussion at the same time. An automatic camera that Brian spoke of would handle that in a board room.  It would have to be tested in a larger room.

2) 45 minutes is not enough time for setting up all the equipment:

  • I did not have time to start the Zoom sessions on the two laptops that I intended to use to view the room
  • A last-minute change in computers resulting in a change in microphone input jacks used up about 15 minutes of that time to rewire the plugs

3) A dry run at the location is necessary.  I did not have access to the library the week before so could not test the arrangement for the mock AGM

4) Our club members never got the chance to rehearse being a mock AGM audience.

5) Learn how to share the YouTube URL before the meeting

Here is a link to the google slides 

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2023 Picnic

A warm time was enjoyed by all who found the 2023 Computer Club Picnic.  Lots of leftovers taken home.

From left to right: Christine, Dorothy, Marcia, George, Dave, Sharon, Janet and Lin.  Anna Keane who took the photo,  is not shown.
2023 VCC Picnic

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A Month of Email in July

Part 1, Presentation slides
If I have only one email address and one device, what’s to know?

  • Writing better emails
  • A bit of humour
  • Managing your emails
  • Parts of an email address
  • Email service providers from your point of view

Part 2, for when you have more than one email address or device, will be presented July 25th:

    • Apps to access your emails
    • Web Apps vs Mail Clients
    • Mail Client Apps
    • Pop3 vs IMAP
    • Managing storage
    • Syncing between devices and multiple accounts 
    • Migration  of email accounts, e.g. @shaw.ca to @outlook.com or @gmail.com
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Ask our Computer Club Experts about Fraud

Here is the link to the slides shown Tuesday, May 30, 2023.  You might enjoy the interactive quiz on the last slide.

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