Surge in unsubscribes from our mailing list
In the last month we’ve had 10 members unsubscribe from emails coming from the club, more than in the last 12 months… All but two of the members have many months left in their memberships.
Because we run only one mailing list, unsubscribing means we cannot send you any more emails, such as our “Upcoming Events” monthly emails. We do still email renewal reminders and payment receipts.
If you want to re-subscribe, please go to the following webpage and fill in your email, first name and last name: http://eepurl.com/gaEmdr Only you can do the re-subscribing… Admin cannot do it for you, per law in Canada.
There was very little in the messages that people unsubribed from… e.g.
OOPS, the Computer Club AGM is next week, Thursday, February 13th 10am, not in March as mis-stated in the Survey email…
Some ISPs labeled the email as suspected spam. Which is strange, given that the email had no links or sales pitch. And unsubscribers were at several ISPs. And, surprisingly, members who need to renew are not unsubscribing… Go figure!!