Silver Threads Zoom Sessions

Brain Games Class – Virtual

Join Amaiah via your computer, IPad or tablet to challenge your brain with word games, puzzles, local trivia and fun topics to spark conversations and anecdotes.  Connect with us from the comfort of your home through the user-friendly Zoom platform.  Call 250-388-4268 for more information.

Date: Thursday June 10th to July 8th (4 weeks – no class July 1st)

Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm

Location: On-Line via ZOOM

Cost: $16 Silver Threads members/$24 Silver Threads non-members

We also have space in our “in person” Brain Games for those who wish to connect in a small group.  Take place at the Victoria Centre at 1911 Quadra

Brain Games Class – In Person

Join Amaiah and a small group to challenge your brain with word games, puzzles, local trivia and fun topics to spark conversations and anecdotes.  Call 250-388-4268 for more information.

Date: Mondays June 7th to June 28th (4 weeks); Can join in anytime!

Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm

Location: 1911 Quadra Street

Cost: $16 Silver Threads members/$24 Silver Threads non-members

Zoom Travel Series

The ever popular travel series is back! From the comfort of your own home, Zoom in and join our talented and well-travelled speakers as they share stories, facts, and stunning images from their past travels abroad. The series will be hosted online once monthly.   The “trip” in June will be Amazing Africa hosted by Cliff & Diana Cunningham.

Date: Friday June 25th

Time: 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Cost: $2 Silver Threads members/$5 Silver Threads non-members

(for convenience, you may purchase a punch card for multiple travel series events!)

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Registering for these APCUG June workshops

9 am Pacific Time

June 16 – Learning Linux #9
June 23 – Roundtable – In-person, hybrid, online meetings
June 30 – Robots for Seniors and My 3D Printing
6/16/21 – Linux registration closes at 11:30 pm (PT) on June 15. Linux #9 – Orv and John, Linux Evangelists, respond to your comments and suggestions from the Linux #8 workshop.

We received a lot of good suggestions at the last workshop. Today, we will respond to those questions and let you know what we are going to do to answer them. We will talk about:

  • being honest about our limitations and Linux on a Chromebook
  • more command line tools that do things easier for you
  • running multiple versions of Linux on a single USB/thumb drive
  • using a Raspberry Pi as your desktop replacement, NAS (network attached storage) and some possible software alternatives, maybe talk about running Windows programs in/on Linux
  • release cycles for Linux, reviewing use of live media, and where to find previous recordings.

Join us for a lot of information about Linux and then we will have some time for more questions in the open mic portion.

6/23/21 – Roundtable registration closes at 11:30 pm (PT) on June 22. – Now that in-person meetings are possible…
Let’s get together and talk about the plans we have for our groups as our areas open up to in-person meetings and if/how APCUG can help.

  • All in person
  • Hybrid – Zoom (online) + in person
  • All Zoom (online)
  • How will you be handling your classes, SIGs, Forums, etc.
The main problem seems to be those on Zoom not being able to hear what is going on in the in-person meeting and interaction between the two groups of people. Please let us know if you have found a solution.
  • What equipment is needed and how much everything costs?
  • What are you doing with the equipment you used in your meeting room?
  • Have you created a survey for member input? If so, please send Judy a copy to share with the other groups.
By sharing, everyone should get helpful ideas for their group.

6/30/21 – Robots for Seniors & My 3D Printer registration closes at 11:30 pm (PT) on June 29. for Seniors, George Bowden, Vice President/Webmaster, Victoria Computer Club, and Andrea Slane, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Programs-Legal Studies, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario

From intelligent audio to humanoid robots.

My 3D Printer, Larry Fortna, President, Lakes At Leesburg Computer and Technology Club

There are numerous 3D printing capabilities from FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) to SLA (Stereolithography), ranging from a couple hundred dollars upward to thousands. Larry is not going to explain how all of them work, just his setup, which he has been using for over six years now.

Larry will cover the tools he uses to design a 3D object for printing, the software he prefers to use to process the 3D objects into gcode (the 3D printer’s language), and the
software he uses to make 3D printed objects. He will talk about the filaments available, their pros and cons, and ways to improve the look of the finished product, the build plate, calibration, and maintenance of your machine, as well as some homemade tools he uses.

Larry is constantly finding uses for his 3D printer. He doesn’t know how he would get along without one now. So, join Larry to learn why and how you, too, should have a 3D printer.

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Calling Friends & Family

Here is the link to the slide show...

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Ask the experts March 23, on Scams

Here is a link to today’s slides on scams

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Zoom Best Practices

Zoom Best Practises – March 9, 2021  by Dorothy Cushway

  1. Join 15 minutes before, that way the host can let you in from the waiting room. Sometimes if you arrive late, the meetings are locked, and you are out of luck.
  2. Make sure you have the meeting ID and Passcode  or the email handy.
  3. Make sure you have lighting in front of your face, not behind as you do not want to be in the dark on the screen.
  4. If using a virtual background, test before attending  a meeting – some devices cannot handle it.  As well, do not use moving virtual backgrounds, they are very distracting.
  5. Check your video and sound when you are joining .
  6. Tilt your screen-mounted webcam so you see your face rather than top of head or chin.  Each device is different if you are using a webcam on a PC, Laptop webcam, tablet, or phone.
  7. If you have your video on and are eating, texting, leaving your desk, turn your video off.
  8. Mute yourself always to stop background noise, phones ringing, dogs barking.  Many times, a host Mutes you – please do not unmute.  Other times all meetings are muted at the beginning, as well as turning off the video.
  9. Use chat if you do not have a microphone or there is noise.
  10. You do not need a webcam to join a Zoom meeting  – you can just watch and use chat as needed.
  11. Turn your cell phone to vibrate.
  12. Raise hand in the REACTIONS button on the bottom bar when appropriate.
  13. Do not monopolize the meeting on non relevant questions to the topic being discussed.
  14. To hide all the people who only have their names without a picture, right click your picture.
  15. Make sure you put your full name – and sometimes the city if you are attending a zoom meeting   in the US.  Sometimes add your title if you are an Executive member of a club.

First Install the Zoom app from , or the app store for your device

Three  Ways to Join  Zoom Meetings

  1. If you have your own personal Zoom FREE account – sign in to prior to the meeting, then click JOIN and enter  the meeting ID and passcode  as required
  2. or Click on the LINK supplied in an email or on a calendar entry – sometimes this takes you to the BROWSER version of Zoom or tries to install Zoom on your device.
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Windows 10 tips presentation March 4 2021

Here is the link to the Windows 10 tips presentation given March 4 2021 by Dorothy and George.

Here are the links to the two videos by Hewie Poplock that we showed,

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Benefits of Membership

Club membership provides many benefits, including social, technical, and educational.  During the pandemic these benefits continue, transformed by using video conferencing.

Here are the slides of the presentation given Feb 11th 2021


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Here are the slides for the browser password managers presented Feb 4th by George and Dorothy

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Digital Estate Planning

Your Identity Isn’t Safe Even After You’ve Died

Judy Taylour of APCUG fame,  presented Digital Estate Planning   to the Victoria Computer Club on January 7th, 2021.

• How much of your life is virtual?
• Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a computer, a tablet or a smartphone?
• Every email, every payment, every movie, every picture, every file in the cloud is
a digital asset.
• What happens if you die and no one can retrieve them?
• Your estate can get stuck in digital probate.

Read the full presentation notes here

The links to the worksheets were sent out in our Events email to members on January 25th, 11pm

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Data Privacy Day, Jan 28th 2021

Data Privacy Day Info 1-28-21

Data Privacy Day – January 28, 2021

Sponsored by National Cyber Security Alliance

Information from Data Privacy Day – Stay Safe Online  

Millions of people are unaware of and uninformed about how their personal information is being used, collected, or shared in our digital society.

Data Privacy Day began in the United States and Canada in January 2008 as an extension of the Data Protection Day celebration in Europe. Data Protection Day commemorates the January 28, 1981, signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection. On January 27, 2014, the 113th U.S. Congress adopted S. Res. 337, a non-binding resolution expressing support for the designation of January 28 as “National Data Privacy Day.” Data Privacy Day is observed to inspire dialogue and empower individuals and companies to take action.

Attend the Data Privacy Day 2021: Data Privacy in an Era of Change event – reservations required. Data Privacy Day 2021: Data Privacy in an Era of Change – Stay Safe Online

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