Author Archives: Dorothy Cushway

About Dorothy Cushway

textnow phone number is 1-250-999-5223

Facebook Security – A Review – Sept 17 – Dorothy

Dorothy covered some of the areas that you need to check for security on your Facebook page.  She has given everyone homework to go through their ADS, Access your Information and watching the 3 videos which are on the last … Continue reading

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Improve your Google Searches – Sept 10 – Ed Prior

Ed reviewed some of the ways to get a better Google search as well as using different browsers that don’t track you.  Presentation can be found here:

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Windows 10 Tips Con’t – July 9 – Dorothy

Continuation of learning different easy tips in Windows 10, as well as trying to use the Help features that are built in.  Also covered a few of the new features in the April Update 1803, but will continue this next … Continue reading

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Windows Updates You Must be Aware of – June 18 – Dorothy

We covered topics such as Windows Defender which comes with Microsoft, ensuring you have a virus scanning program on your device, make sure thereare no RED marks and that the software is being updated and scanning.  We also talked about … Continue reading

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A CHANCE TO DO ACTION SHOTS Good chance to practice with shutter Speed! What:  Bike Race When:   Sunday June 3rd Where:  Around the Leg Buildings Time:  2:00 pm   We will meet then but the races run all day so you … Continue reading

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Google Photos – May 22 – Ron Brown from APCUG

Ron Brown from Comox and APCUG, gave a very informative presentation, with lots of learning for all of us.  Please review and try some of the features mentioned.  I never knew

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Android Class – I’ve lost my Android! – May 17 – Dorothy

Here are the class notes: We covered many interesting things we should do BEFORE we lose our Android phone or tablet, as well as using the Google features to Find my phone.  This ended up being a very good … Continue reading

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Windows 10 Tips – May 7 & June 18 – Dorothy

Notes are at this link We covered aspects of Windows 10 such as Desktop, History of Updates, Personalizing the Start menu, Change Desktop, Background, Theme, Lock Screen, Windows 10 built in Apps, Microsoft Store and some Keyboard Shortcuts.

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Additonal Security Tips

Dorothy taught the Monday class on March 26, continuing on from George’s previous Security slides referring to passwords, Last Pass and how to become secure with your accounts. Here is a link to Dorothy’s class notes on her ideas of … Continue reading

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Android Class – March 15, 2018

Started with everyone checking in Play Store to ensure their apps are up to date.  Explained how to do this by pressing the 3 bars in the top left of the program.  My apps and games, and it will show … Continue reading

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