February 2022 APCUG presentations


Wednesday Workshops – 9 am PT
February 16 – Learning Linux
Register Here:  https://forms.gle/UcvChyJD44mwYM4c9

Join us for another informative session getting chummy with the Penguin (Linux). Watch your fingers when you close the window, and hopefully, you won’t take a bite out of a bad apple. At this month’s workshop, Dave Melton will share his “My Linux Distro-Hopping Journey” with you. Find out what he liked and then what he didn’t like to cause him to “hop” (and hop a few more times). Cal Esneault will give us a lot of information on “Software Management and the Default Software that Comes with Linux Mint.” Orv Beach will not be with us this month (he decided it would be more fun to have his knee replaced), so John Kennedy will be filling in doing a presentation on the “Linux Control Panel/Control Center,” taking a hard look at all the settings that are available in most Linux distros.
February 23 – It’s all about Windows 11
Register here:  https://forms.gle/AhfpizpePhswq7WL7

Windows 11 and 10 look quite different, but much of what we like to use is still the same. Bill’s presentation takes us through What’s New, What’s Changed, and What is no longer included. Then, he will start you on your journey deciding if Windows 11 is for you or if you will stay with Windows 10 for a while longer. Of course, you have until 2025 to make up your mind but learning something new keeps us sharp.After you register for the Saturday Safari and Wednesday Workshops, you will receive an email on the morning of the presentation giving you the Zoom links.

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2022 Annual General Meeting Feb 15th

The Annual General Meetings of the Victoria Computer Club for the fiscal years of 2020 and 2021 will be held Tuesday, February 15 2022 at 10am through Silver Threads, 286 Hampton Rd, Saanich, BC V8Z 1H1.  Because of Covid, BC Societies Registrar granted the extension for our fiscal 2020 AGM till March of this year.  The AGM for fiscal 2020 is extremely short, and the AGM for fiscal 2021 follows immediately at the same meeting.

Attend in person by registering or attend via  Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83338148237?pwd=S3ArYU5wakpueWFSSW4rZGNpaVl5QT09

or use Zoom Meeting ID: 833 3814 8237 with Passcode: 633639  .  The library and zoom meeting room will open at 9:30am

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Technology for 55+

We discuss how to effectively and safely use digital technology (smartphones, digital cameras,  tablets and computers) with those 55 and older who join our club.

Refer to our calendar for details of events.  To attend Computer Club events you must be a member of the Victoria Computer Club.

Memberships are $25 per person per year.  Memberships last 365 days from the anniversary of joining,

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Never Trust the Unsolicited…

Slides from the presentaton Never trust the unsolicited 

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Windows File Explorer Secrets Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 9:30am – 11:30am

Windows File Explorer Secrets
File Explorer is an indispensable app that has been designed to provide a simple user interface (UI) for you to navigate, access, and help organize the files, folders, and apps stored on your computer’s hard drive, external drives, and anywhere in your network. Ever thought you knew exactly where an item was, only to spend hours searching your home for it? Folders and files on your hard drive can cause the same chaos. File Explorer can help by putting you in charge of how you work with your documents. Just like a filing cabinet, you determine your filing method. Unlike a filing cabinet, however, you can change how files are displayed, grouped, and shared.
Presented by Bill James, Computer Club of Oklahoma City

Register to attend in person or
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link:
Meeting ID: 833 3814 8237 with Passcode: 633639

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What the Pandemic Taught Us

Slide show is here

  • How to Zoom, 
  • What are QR codes and their uses, 
  • Quick Assist for online help , 
  • Attending APCUG meetings, 
  • Sharing Google Photo Albums, 
  • To organize our YouTube videos. 
  • All about streaming services, with so much time to watch..
  • Shopping online
  • Banking online safely
  • Covid Information Sources and Statistics…
  • Weather Stats
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December APCUG Wednesday Workshops


December 1
Electronic Holiday Greeting Cards

Not Your Parent’s PowerPoint

December 8
Make Your Own 2022 Photo Calendar at Home

December 15
Learning Linux #11 – Software Installations and Removals

Have you experienced your own problems in the “supply chain dilemma” caused by the current crisis? At this time of year, not only are some things hard to find, but many of us don’t want to go “out there in all of that” and spend a lot of time searching for them. APCUG has come to your rescue with our first two December Wednesday Workshops. Rather than trying to “find” things like holiday cards or just the right calendar to give or use, you can create/design/make them yourself with a bit of help. Check out our lineup of DIY (Do It Yourself) projects.

December 1

Register here – https://forms.gle/iBC1obhWN1D3QqLG6

Electronic Holiday Greeting Cards
Bob Bowser, Director, The Senior Computer User Group of Greater Kansas City

Bob will show us several options for sending holiday greetings to our friends and family. He will take us on a visit to several websites varying from free electronic cards to membership-based electronic cards and options to purchase physical cards from home with ways to distribute them and/or get them sent to your home for you to mail.

Not Your Parent’s PowerPoint
Marcia Berkey, Class Instructor, Sarasota Technology Users Group

PowerPoint is more than just presentation software. This presentation will demonstrate many unusual uses for PowerPoint, from documenting your memories to creating greeting cards for the holidays. You will learn how to create a Photo Album for life events, not to be confused with Photo Books from other vendors. However, there is a cool trick that you can use in PowerPoint to make your Photo Books better. You will also learn how to narrate your slideshows, add music to them, and how to export your PowerPoint as an .mp4 video. You can share your creations through your favorite social media sites. Have fun with Marcia learning more about PowerPoint.

December 8

Register Here – https://forms.gle/zzcjN43MQKkc5JW9A

Make Your Own 2022 Photo Calendar at Home
John Krout, Presenter & Newsletter Contributor, Potomac Area Technology And Computer society

We are all awash in digital photos, not only our own but those of our relatives and friends. So why not make a calendar to show off the best ones? All you need is PowerPoint or LibreOffice Impress and a color printer. Learn how you can download and customize the calendar table files (containing 12 calendar months and white space for photos) by adding your photos and calendar entries such as birthdays, anniversaries, and so forth. This presentation also includes information on how John prints and binds his calendar copies at home and ways you might work with commercial printing companies to do that. Note: As of April 2021, the 2022 calendar files are posted online for free downloading.

December 15

Register Here – https://forms.gle/YCkUVaocK52CtebK9

Learning Linux #11 – Software Installations and Removals
There have been numerous questions about software asked at previous Linux Workshops, where do you get the software, how do you install software, and how do you remove the software. At today’s workshop, we are going to focus on those very topics. There are several places you can get the software, and we’ll cover them (starting with the distro’s software center and going out to the Internet). And there are many ways to install the software, and we’ll cover them (starting with the distro’s package manager, the newest container packages, the command line, and even compiling them yourself). Finally, we’ll discuss reversing the process (uninstalling) based on the way you installed it. You can choose precisely how technical you want to get in this whole software process (including being safe).

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Silver Threads reaches 65 years of age

Here is a link to the Times Colonist insert that celebrates 65 years of Silver Threads

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9am November 10 & 17 APCUG Zoom Wednesday Workshops Q&A

November 10 at 9 am PT :   Windows
November 17 at 9 am PT  :   Linux

11/10 – Windows Q&A
Register Here https://forms.gle/isnPzhHungTrPMvXA
Registration closes at 8:30 PT on November 9.

11/17 – Linux Q&A
Register Here https://forms.gle/6BcuCqYLZNov5YvB8  
Registration closes at 8:30 PT on November 16.

Do you have burning questions you need answered about your computer? Are you having trouble finding those answers locally? Do you want to know whether others have the same questions or maybe someone else has the answer to your questions? How about the possibility that you have answers to someone else’s questions they are trying to find? Or do you like to know what other people are asking and what answers are out there? If so, you want to join our APCUG November Wednesday Workshops where we will “Ask Away” in an Open Q&A and spend time letting people ask questions and have other people answer those questions.

We’ll have two different Workshops. On November 10, we will focus on any and all questions about the Windows operating system. And then, on November 17, we will focus on any and all questions about the Linux operating system. We’ll have a team available each week to start the ball rolling with answers, and we will open it up to anyone in the audience that might have the answer if they don’t.

Please register for both if you are interested in both operating systems. And if you have a burning question you want to get to the top of the list, put that question on the Workshop registration form, and we’ll address those questions first. Then, after all those questions have been answered or tabled for further research, we will open the floor for additional questions and answers.

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APCUG’s November 6, 2021 Virtual Technology Conference (VTC) and Annual Meeting

Welcome to APCUG’s November 6, 2021
Virtual Technology Conference (VTC) and Annual Meeting
Four Association of PC User Group sessions.  

Click here to register– https://forms.gle/mbfN1DsT23hDsdkNA

Registration CLOSES at 11:30 pm ET on Friday, November 5 

More information and bios: https://www.apcug2.org 

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