February 2022 APCUG presentations


Wednesday Workshops – 9 am PT
February 16 – Learning Linux
Register Here:  https://forms.gle/UcvChyJD44mwYM4c9

Join us for another informative session getting chummy with the Penguin (Linux). Watch your fingers when you close the window, and hopefully, you won’t take a bite out of a bad apple. At this month’s workshop, Dave Melton will share his “My Linux Distro-Hopping Journey” with you. Find out what he liked and then what he didn’t like to cause him to “hop” (and hop a few more times). Cal Esneault will give us a lot of information on “Software Management and the Default Software that Comes with Linux Mint.” Orv Beach will not be with us this month (he decided it would be more fun to have his knee replaced), so John Kennedy will be filling in doing a presentation on the “Linux Control Panel/Control Center,” taking a hard look at all the settings that are available in most Linux distros.
February 23 – It’s all about Windows 11
Register here:  https://forms.gle/AhfpizpePhswq7WL7

Windows 11 and 10 look quite different, but much of what we like to use is still the same. Bill’s presentation takes us through What’s New, What’s Changed, and What is no longer included. Then, he will start you on your journey deciding if Windows 11 is for you or if you will stay with Windows 10 for a while longer. Of course, you have until 2025 to make up your mind but learning something new keeps us sharp.After you register for the Saturday Safari and Wednesday Workshops, you will receive an email on the morning of the presentation giving you the Zoom links.

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