Weekly Emails

Weekly Events

Hello Victoria Computer Club members

Check the website for details of the Eagle Creek Village Photoshoot scheduled for Sat. June 11, 10:30am

The club has set up a survey to determine how many of our members have portable lap top computers which they could bring with them to classes and drop-in help sessions.  Please go to the survey    to let us know how this would work for you.

To avoid arriving for an event cancelled at the last minute check this calendar before you leave your house!.

Mon June 13    SENIOR’S GROUP (every Monday 10:00am to 12:00 noon)
Guts & Glory!  This week Rick continues with the setting options in the Control Panel.   Only those necessary to maintain and control how your computer functions will be highlighted.   This is a popular slow paced class for learning basic topics associated with your computer.

Tue June 14 GENEALOGY GROUP  (every 2nd Tues 9:30 am – 11:30am)
This will be our last meeting until September.  This week Murray plans to talk about Numbering Systems, Historical Place Names, Comparing data files.  If you have other topics you wish to discuss, let Murray know in advance of the meeting by emailing vccGenealogySig@gmail.com.   Participants should bring their laptop containing their genealogy software and data OR a USB flash drive containing RootsMagic to Go software (if you have it) and your data.  Since participants have a wide range of experience, the instructor relies on experienced people to give help to those who are less familiar with computers in general, and genealogy software in particular.  This is what our club is all about – members helping members!

Every TUES., SAT and  SUN       12:00 noon – 4:00 pm 

Get one-on-one help with all your computer problems OR drop in to help others.  Grab a coffee and socialize with other members. The club house has computers loaded with Windows 10   Bring your own laptop or other device if you need help on a different operating system.

All of the above activities are held at the clubhouse, unless otherwise specified.

85A Burnside Rd. West (at Wascana)  Victoria
Across the street from Art’s Bakery
Ground floor of an apartment building (behind the hedge)
(250) 382-3934
Copyright © 2016 Victoria Computer Club, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:

Victoria Computer Club

85a Burnside Rd West

Victoria, BC V9A 1B6


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