Saturday, May 7
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern time
Attend the FREE conference from the convenience of your own home! All you need is your computer, tablet, etc. and Internet access. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via Q&A; the questions are answered by the presenter at the end of the presentation or via e-mail if there isn’t enough time after the presentation.
APCUG uses ZOOM for the VTC webinar presentations (www.zoom.us). If you have not participated in a VTC, go to https://zoom.us/download to download the app for the device you will be using to ‘attend’ the conference.
Videos from earlier conferences can be found on APCUG’s YouTube channel www.youtube.com/apcugvideos.
• To register for this VTC, please click on the below link: