Club Picnic is Wed., July 3rd, Noon to 2:00 pm

Please come to the Computer Club Picnic Wed., July 3rd from noon to 2:00pm

Please RSVP to by Monday July 1st, identifying your potluck,  to enable the organizers to estimate the required provisions.

Watch this space for updates on what people (sorted by first name) are bringing:
Alison J (library): Potato Salad, Anna V: Tortilla chips & salsa, Barry S: Mini quiche, Berhanu H: Fruit, Catherine & Wayne: Watermelon feta salad, Christine C: Veg Platter and dip, Christine S: , Dave/Lori: Brownies, Dorothy C: Green Salad, Ed P: Pasta salad, Elizabeth M: Pie/buns, George B: Chicken, Gerry B: , Janet B: Garbanzo Bean salad, Joan G: Salad, John O: Fruit or salad tray, Judith F: fruit salad, Kathy B: , Linda C: mint and mango guacamole with pita chips, Linnette: chips, Marcia S: veg and dip, Marilyn V: fruit, Michael S: Choc chip cookies, Murray S: coleslaw, Pat Wilson +1: ,  Scott M: Smoked salmon, Vern O: Cheese platter,

Meet at Gorge Waterway Nature House , inside the Esquimalt Gorge Park and Pavilion Grounds. Enter off Tillicum Road. Here is a map.

Please bring a sunhat, your chairs and a potluck entree for about 6 people. The club will supply buns, soda, cake, plates and cutlery.

No alcohol or smoking allowed.

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