Annual General Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2018
Attended by George Bowden (President), Martin Brooks (Treasurer, Secretary), Iain Fletcher (Membership), Barkley Cox(Clubhouse) and 20 members
George presented the results of the Survey of Training Topics.
A photographer and volunteer tutor might join the group of volunteers who are all doing very well.
- Motion: made by George to convert all current Associates to Regular members. Seconded by Ed Prior. Carried.
- Motion: Approval of 2017 AGM minutes made by Karl Loeb. Seconded by Alex Brown. Carried.
- Motion: made by George that Associate members can vote. Seconded by Ed Prior. Carried.
- Motion: made by George to continue the practice of free monthly draw for gift certificate for attendees of paid events. Seconded by Dawn Goodwin. Carried.
- Motion: made by George to continue annual membership fees of $25. Seconded by Dawn Goodwin. Carried
Reports were made from Directors including Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Membership since the move increased from 143 to 162. Thanks were extended to everyone for good work. Fees were dropped from $85 to $25. The Club is better off financially than in the former location.
- Results of Election of Directors for 2018
- President : Dorothy Cushway who is still convalescing
- Vice President: George Bowden
- Treasurer: Martin Brooks
- Secretary: Rosa Benjamin
- Membership: Iain Fletcher
- Training: Rick Weatherhead
Barkley Cox was thanked for his years of service to the club and the work with the move.
Motion: made by George to end meeting. Seconded by Dawn Goodwin.