Exec Minutes for November 20, 2017

Attending: Dorothy, George, Rick, Barkley, Anne (Silver Threads), Ian, Martin 

President’s Report – George Bowden

Meetup we have started a group called Victoria Seniors Technology Users. We got a few more to sign up today. Currently we have 9 people attending the Nov 28 event. This costs $160 for 6 months. We re-evaluate if we have any new members. We aren’t going to promote Monday as we are full. Not promoting the Tutorials but we may think about that as not getting a good turnout on Saturday.

Saturdays are going fine now with Silver Threads. More a question of numbers who show up. Average of 5 people turning up.

George will put in Gord’s gaming for this Thursday on Meetup.

George still having to go up to Port Alberni so he’s not here consistently. Can contact him on his cell phone or email.

George trying to find out who is willing to run for positions in January. Rick will continue with training, Ian with membership, George will do website/app work and be past President, Martin will continue if no new Treasurer found, Barkley will do Vice President if needed.

Need to make changes in the Society Act, and must have it all up to date in November. There are a couple of by-laws that are irrevocable and we need to take them out. We decided we are a member run organization. Ann will ask Tracy if there is any issue.

Treasurer’s report – Martin Brooks

Not much change in the funds so will do reports every 2 months.

Can we afford to rent the room each month? Yes we can

Vice President’s Report – Dorothy Cushway

Staples presenting Nov 28 on Chromebooks with a live demo, as well as their repairs and help they have for maintenance on devices

Dec 12 is our Xmas Lunch at Silver Threads with a full turkey dinner – cost $15, need to get the word out and tickets selling. We will sell the tickets and give the $$ to front desk. Need a cash box to collect the money.

January is our AGM with possible APCUG video ?

February – Scott Munro from GVPL will be here to show us how their new website works and where to find things

March – need to contact – Credit Couselling Society – 75 ways to save on Household expenses

April – Scott Munro – Lynda.com and Cloud Library

May – Al Perry ?

June – Jason from London Drugs – cameras ?

Used Victoria Stats: Presenters – Browsed this month 285, total 4,013

Volunteer teachers – Browsed this month 1,693, total 16,109

Membership – Browsed this month 751, total 12,546

Training Coordinator report – Rick Weatherhead

Rick, George, Ann and Tracy met together to chat about Best Buy and what our proposal was. We have now heard from them, the fellow Rick chatted with has moved. Best Buy is on board and are interested to get everything going by January, 2018. Love the proposal.

Best Buy will be a formal arrangement, London Drugs is informal.

Rick has a replacement teacher called Charles and he is willing to volunteer. He showed up for Monday and Tuesday and seems interested. He is highly qualified and sent his Bio of past experience and will fill in the forms for STS to volunteer and get police checked.

Another person Manbir Samra has enquired about training via Volunteer Victoria, very outgoing person, younger early 30’s. His experience with Best Buy was to give back to Seniors and is a licensed realtor, can possibly do some Monday’s when available. Since minutes typed Manbir will be unable to teach at this time.

Need to get a schedule of topics for December, January and February with this many


Dorothy moves to join Steve Dotto, Patreon for $10 a month, to use in our training program. All in favor, moved. Dorothy will use her credit card and also the victoriacomputerclub@gmail.com

Membership Report – Ian

Adult members 146, Associates 5, one month members 3

At AGM removing the Associate category. Will change the bylaw. All of them will expire April 30. Remove the word adult and put member. George moving, Ian 2nd, all approved.

Because they go out to 2020, it’s hard to know if any are active. Looks like 50 attending events. We seem to have new ones joining up.

When the members are here for 1 month, an email will go to Ian advising him they get 12 months

Anne Nelson – Director Silver Threads

No items to discuss.

Miscellaneous Items

For January 23, 2018 AGM can we buy the room as members won’t come to this meeting we feel. Ann agrees that this is okay.

Moving forward can we begin to rent the room for Monthly meetings? Ann will advise.

Closed Nov 13, Dec 25, 26 and Dec 22 at 1 and 29th at 1 – no tutorials on those Fridays

Martin needs to go and get $20 London Drugs gift cards.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00

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