Monthly Archives: March 2015

Spring has Sprung!

First, I would like to welcome all new members who have joined The Victoria Computer Club (BB&C)in the last few months.  We hope you will make new friends, learn a great deal and volunteer if you can.  Our motto is … Continue reading

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What “computer” should you buy?

Talking to a senior today about her next computer purchase made me think about the options facing any senior.  And by computer, I mean phone, tablet and laptops of all sizes. Can the choice be made through answers to a series of questions? e.g.: Are you already … Continue reading

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Open House today, Saturday March 21

Get your three free workshop passes by joining as a new member before the end of March. Workshops in photo-editing, WordPress website construction, and Windows 10 starting soon.  And if you like to lead or facilitate groups, we have lots … Continue reading

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Basic photography course postponed

Ken Beattie has decided to delay the Basic Digital Camera Course in April because not  enough interest was shown.  You can continue to show interest by emailing , and we will let you know when we have enough students.

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Everything digital, anywhere, anytime

Do you want everything digital available anywhere, anytime, on any device?  Will you get that with Microsoft’s or Google’s or Apple’s cloud storage and applications?   Lets discuss this, and the implications, at the monthly presentation, March 18th, 2pm at … Continue reading

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Thanks to the volunteers at the Senior Expo 2015

For March, New members get 3 workshops free. Thanks to: Joan Greig, Martin Brooks, Julia Wren, Sharon Duncan, Faith Shannon, Mary Davie and George Bowden for helping out at the Senior Expo 2015, Tuesday March 10th.  We had a great … Continue reading

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Senior Living Expo at Pearkes Tuesday 9-3:30

The club has a booth at the Senior Expo 2015

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