FULL! Special General Meeting Wed. May 20th at the Clubhouse

1024px-ChromebookThe clubhouse becomes congested with more than 25 attendees, so we must cut off registration now.  At 23 registered, the RSVP form said “FULL”   .

Just in case the BC Registry Services rejects the motion passed at our AGM for being vague, we need to re-vote the change of our society’s name:

Motion: To change item 1 of the Constitution from:
The name of the society is “Big Blue and Cousins: The Greater Victoria Personal Computer Users’ Association”
The name of the society is “Victoria Computer Club”

The Registrar has reserved the name “Victoria Computer Club” for us for 60 days.

The rest of the monthly presentation AT THE CLUBHOUSE, will be three topics:

a) Evaluating two Chromebook laptops. These inexpensive, secure, light-weight laptops have simple configurations and are based on the Chrome browser. Email is accessed through webmail services such as webmail.shaw.ca or gmail.com . Entertainment comes through streaming video such as Netflix. Documents and photos are kept on Google’s servers. What’s the catch? George Bowden will explain.

b) Disposing or selling of your items through free websites.

c) Screen capturing programs to explain computer-user problems and/or solutions. These can be still captures or moving captures. (Time permitting)

Bring a lunch to socialize at 1pm, or come at 2pm for the meeting.
Registration is now full.  About 23 have said they are coming, as of Monday, May 18th
Thanks, George Bowden

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