Minutes from Victoria Computer Club Exec meeting June 6 2016, 7pm
Attended by George Bowden (President), Dorothy Cushway (VP) Martin Web (treasurer secretary) Iain Fletcher, (Membership) and Barkley Cox (clubhouse). Member/instructor Rick Weatherhead attended.
Prepare to move to a larger space:
The club’s current location has drawbacks.
- The classrom area can only seat 18 people and we often have more members attend than that. T
- The club is open only 18 hours per week 9 to 5pm, (31%) and 1 hour per week evenings (5%) . Sharing space with another group would be much more cost effective.
- The club is losing about $500 per year with a membership count of 162. Martin pointed out that if it not for the large donations this year and last, we would be losing $2500 per year.
- We must reduce rental costs by sharing space with either Community centers, Seniors centers, churches, schools, ethnic associations, or Rec centers.
- When we move, we will need about $3000 for 5 new laptops.
- We must inform the landlord before the end of January.
- George would like to inform the landlord in the fall, in case we can get out early.
The parameters for a new space include
- A social meeting space where coffee and light snacks can be eaten.
- Internet access (not just Shaw open)
- A closet for the laptops
- A way to mount our projector and screen
- Preference for free adjacent parking.
- Hours of operation that include a day on the weekend?
George to write plan for moving forward. Rick offered to participate.
We must investigate what membership equity requires
Sharing current space with meetups
In the mean time, we can offer space to quality meetups, and a $50 membership to a meetup coordinator. Make base rental $20, up to $2.50 per attendee. This might bring in $300 per year per meetup, which won’t make enough of a difference without other changes.
Increasing membership
Also, extend by one month any member who brings in a new member.
Presentation by Rick Weatherhead on partnering with London Drugs. Rick pointed out that both lowering costs and increasing memberships need to be done.
Benefits to the club members could include:
- reduced membership for one year to new members from London Drugs
- discounts on London Drugs computer equipment
- One hour free instruction to London Drugs customers (non-members)
Benefits to London Drugs includes
- Promotion of LD on our website and in the clubhouse
- Help provided by the club to their customers would result in less loading on their sales staff
George moved, and Barkley seconded, that Rick continue discussions with LD, leading to a partnership. Approved unanimously
Trreasurer’s report for May31, 2016:
Total Liabilities & Equity $9,422.50.
Year-to-date Income was $8,804.61 Expenses were $9,473.34 : Net loss for Year-to-Date was $668.73
Hold a garage sale. Offered by ??
Get two boxes of pamphlets printed, and circulate to legions, and libraries. Get some posters printed for Tillicum.
August 18th picnic might be held at Government House. Rick and Iain to check pricing. Otherwise check out Gorge Park, and Beaver Lake again as last resort.
No June monthly meeting.
Martin thought we should start a blog with exciting posts. George said the club website is a blog, that members can post to, Authorship to date is as follows
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm
Discussion continued on format of monthly meeting, to include possibly games and a shorter presentation.
Martin to take up with Dorothy in the fall.