Minutes for May 28, 2018 Executive Meeting
Attending: Dorothy, George (via phone), Ed, Anne (Silver Threads)
Excused: Iain, Rosa
President’s Report – Dorothy Cushway
Not much to report. I believe all is going smoothly and any issues are being dealt with as they come up by myself and George. Happy to report we have a Charles Martin starting with us in Sept to teach Apple iPad’s and iPhones for the 2nd Thursday of the month. All his paperwork has been handed in to Anne.
Spoke to members on a Monday about topics and some of the topics are Cloud computing, Free Apps they can install, Office Apps in the cloud or on their devices, Translation Apps. We will send out a survey to members to get topics – George to action.
Teaching on Mondays – we will go to minimal teaching over July/Aug. Dates determined will be July 9, July 23, July 30, Aug 13, Aug 27. Will show dates and who is teaching at end of minutes. George to update calendar (done)
Will make a list of the Agenda topics and actions at the end of the minutes.
Vice President’s Report – George Bowden
- Used Victoria Stats: Presenters – Browsed this month 305, total 6,586
- Volunteer teachers – Browsed this month 1,954, total 23,942
- Membership – Browsed this month 854, total 14,590
A member disputes her membership status. She has been given all the months of service she has paid for. ( Renewed Jan 21, 2017 – $85. Later that year she asked for a refund of $60, which was given to her. But the remaining $25 was used up in getting to May, which she does not understand)
It was decided to give her membership for free for 2018. In future there will be no refunds except by executive approval. Motion to give her 2018 at no cost due to a misunderstanding. Motion passed, all in favor. George to action email.
Treasurer’s Report
Ed Prior and Dorothy Cushway have been added as signatories on the bank account. Judith Forrester and Joan Greig have been removed as signatories. Martin will remain a signatory until we have meeting minutes that removes him. – Ed/Dorothy to Action
Submitted by email from George Bowden as of May 31, 2018.
- Islander Regular account $2,649.46,
- Premium Savings Business $4,150.17
- FWCU Membership Shares $5.36
Training Coordinator report – vacant (Acting – Dorothy Cushway)
Rick is no longer the training coordinator due to other commitments and health issues. Dorothy will be acting until we have a replacement and should be receiving training@victoriacomputerclub.org emails – George to check – ( Done )
Dorothy to update Ad’s on Used Victoria if Rick’s email/name are showing. Anne will update their records with my name.
Membership Report – per George
We currently have 157 members, according to the database.
Anne Nelson – Director Silver Threads
- Tutorials – reminder to please sign in on sheets on Tuesday, as well as on Mondays make sure they check in or pay as required. Most people are pretty good at coming to the desk
- Moving the presentation to another day – keeping for the Tuesday or move to a Thursday in Sept? We will have to poll the members as this would affect the Android or the Genealogy classes.
Miscellaneous Items – from Agenda
Teachers – Dorothy, George, Ed, and Charles
Topics – to be discussed via in person/email. Dorothy obtained some suggestions: Cloud computing, Free Apps for your computer, Office Apps online and for your computer, Translation Apps. More to come via a survey – George to Action
Summer Classes – discussed at length – to give teachers a break – this is subject to change as Charles may teach. Calendar has been updated to show about 2 Monday classes in each of July and August and acount for statutory holidays
Android – need ideas of what members want – do in the survey. Security, Notifications – June topic – no Android in July/Aug
Meetup – Continue posting monthly meetings – expires in November, won’t renew as we don’t find there are many new members
Facebook Workshop – Dorothy to ask on June 18 if they want a workshop in July or Aug
Drop-In’s – we currently have Tues and Sat due to low turnout. We will re-start Fridays – spoke with Gord, Ron, Paul – all good with having Friday’s in September. Upon further thought, realize our pamphlets say Fridays and new members from London Drugs and Oak Bay Library have come on Tuesday… have asked Anne to advise if people are coming on Fridays. Need to get users to sign up when they are coming for help
New Apple teaching starting Sept 13 (2nd Thursday) of each month by Charles Martin from VMUG who is going to start with Novice and move up according to the class attendants. Need to send separate email out to users for a response and participation – George to Action
Pamphlets – we will distribute the current ones we have to Libraries. They are on board with giving them out as it helps them as well with their users. The current pamphlet will need to be updated adding the Apple teaching in Sept. Dorothy to action
Access to Google Calendar – George has modified to the people who need use. Currently Dorothy, George and Murray have access to add events as required.
Executive Meetings – due to long agenda today I feel it would be better served if we had them every 2 months, however we will have every 3 months unless required due to issues to deal with. Will have one August 27 at 1:00. –Action – Update Calendar
August Picnic will be Aug 22. Dorothy will send George contact name at Government House. George will ask Rick to play music if he is interested.
George has many stored items from the old clubhouse: boxes of cables, print cartridges, a color laser printer, and needs to clear from his apartment. He will bring to the June monthly meeting for people to take and then he will take to Return It for disposal. Approved by Executive
Box of Financial Documents at George’s from 2011 onward. He will deliver to Ed Treasurer for storage and review. George to Action
Dorothy to update Used Victoria removing Rick’s name/email if showing. Will temporarily put my name in and George to fix the training @victoriacomputerclub.org
Ed to go to Island Savings to make sure our account is active and ready to be used. Also to make a deposit of a membership and 2 envelopes we found in cupboard of 50/50. (Done)
Ed/George to tear up any cheques Martin has signed after Martin is removed from signatories. Either of us to sign some for future use. Ed to pay Silver Threads June room rental is already paid.
Gord Collins has asked to have a tower. We motioned/passed, all in favor to give him one for all his time. He may also want to buy one for a friend. We are trying to move away from the towers due to the time to set up each Monday and I don’t really feel they are used much when we present. It would be only if we are doing a workshop type of class.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15