Our demo on Aug. 29th of a meeting with both Zoom and in-person attendees (hybrid) for a ballroom turned out to be more of a learning experiernce than a clean demo. We will try again September 25th.
Lessons I learned included:
1) It takes a small team to run a hybrid meeting, which I should have arranged.
- Our camera operator, who learned of his role when he walked into the room, needed training.
- The presenter cannot be the Zoom operator at the same time. I could not reliably switch to the speaker mic and be part of the discussion at the same time. An automatic camera that Brian spoke of would handle that in a board room. It would have to be tested in a larger room.
2) 45 minutes is not enough time for setting up all the equipment:
- I did not have time to start the Zoom sessions on the two laptops that I intended to use to view the room
- A last-minute change in computers resulting in a change in microphone input jacks used up about 15 minutes of that time to rewire the plugs
3) A dry run at the location is necessary. I did not have access to the library the week before so could not test the arrangement for the mock AGM
4) Our club members never got the chance to rehearse being a mock AGM audience.
5) Learn how to share the YouTube URL before the meeting
Here is a link to the google slides